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School Nurse

School Nurse Homepage

Nurse Spencer
  • Onslow County Schools Health Services

    Please note the following school health procedures as we work together to ensure a healthy, safe environment for all our students:

    1. Medications: (prescription and over-the-counter) are not allowed at school unless an Onslow County Schools "Permission for Prescribed Medication to Be Given During School Hours" form has been completed by both the parent and the doctor.

    The medication must be brought to the school by an adult; students may not transport medication. Prescription medication must be in the original pharmacy labeled container. Over the counter meds must match the permission form and be in an unopened container.

    2. Hearing, dental, and vision screenings: These screenings are periodically completed at the school. If there is a concern, you will be notified.

    3. Head checks: Head checks will be conducted at school. If a student is sent home with head lice, they cannot return to school or ride the bus until they are rechecked at the school office.

    4. Fevers: As per Onslow County Schools Board Policy (4230.5), students with a fever 100° or greater, or with vomiting or diarrhea will be sent home and may not return until they are free of symptoms for 24 hours (without medication) before they may return to school.

    5. Rashes: If your child has a suspicious rash, they should be checked by your family physician before returning to school or riding the bus.

    6. Emergency Contact Information: It is essential that the nurse and the school have current emergency telephone numbers to ensure the parent/guardian will be notified in the event a student becomes ill or injured. Please update the school whenever contact information changes.


    If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to Nurse Spencer via phone 910-327-2104 or email.

    Thank You!